IMS Consulting & Expert Services has partnered with Tom Counts and his team from Paul Hastings on Align litigation for more than 16 years. For this case, concerning Align’s teeth-straightening technology, IMS was involved in multiple phases of the litigation over an eight-year period.
Our Role
The Align team relied on our full suite of services during this litigation. IMS Consulting & Expert Services produced two technology tutorials, claim construction slides for preliminary hearings, and a series of expert and trial demonstratives. In addition, we provided strategy services with Mental Mining® sessions and worked closely with expert witnesses to prepare their testimony. IMS also conducted jury research and provided in-court technology services and war room support as the team prepared for trial.
Case Results
A settlement was reached just days before the trial was set to kick off in Align’s infringement case in the Southern District of Texas. ClearCorrect agreed to pay $35 million and Align will receive additional compensation from a long-term distribution deal.