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Modern Slavery Statement

At IMS Legal Strategies, we are committed to upholding the highest standards of integrity, ethics, and respect for human rights in all aspects of our business operations. We recognise the importance of combating modern slavery and human trafficking in all its forms and are dedicated to ensuring that such practices have no place within our organisation or our supply chain.

Our Approach:

  1. Policy: We have established a robust Modern Slavery Policy that outlines our zero-tolerance stance towards modern slavery and human trafficking. This policy is communicated to all employees, contractors, and suppliers associated with our organisation.
  2. Risk Assessment: We conduct regular assessments of our business operations and supply chain to identify and mitigate any potential risks of modern slavery or human trafficking.
  3. Supplier Due Diligence: We require our suppliers and business partners to adhere to the same standards of ethical conduct and compliance with anti-slavery and human trafficking laws. We undertake due diligence checks to ensure that our suppliers uphold these principles.
  4. Employee Awareness: We provide training and awareness programmes to our employees to ensure they understand the signs of modern slavery and human trafficking and know how to report any concerns or suspicions.
  5. Reporting Mechanisms: We have established confidential reporting mechanisms to enable employees, suppliers, and other stakeholders to report any suspected instances of modern slavery or human trafficking.
  6. Continuous Improvement: We are committed to continuously reviewing and enhancing our policies, procedures, and practices to prevent and address modern slavery and human trafficking effectively.

Our Commitment:

IMS Legal Strategies is unwavering in our commitment to combatting modern slavery and human trafficking. We will not knowingly engage with any individuals or organisations involved in such practices, and we will take swift and appropriate action if any instances are identified.

By publicly disclosing this Modern Slavery Statement, we affirm our dedication to transparency and accountability in our efforts to eradicate modern slavery and uphold human rights.

This statement is made pursuant to section 54(1) of the UK Modern Slavery Act 2015 and constitutes our slavery and human trafficking statement for the financial year ending 2024.

For any inquiries or further information regarding our Modern Slavery Statement, please email

Vivian Taylor
Chief People Officer
IMS Legal Strategies

IMS Legal Strategies is a trading name of Z-Axis Global Ltd.