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Technology Expert Witness Services

Secure specialised technical expertise on demand and elevate your legal strategies in complex intellectual property disputes.

Delivering prompt expert search services for technology-driven cases.

When a company’s future hinges on the outcome of a high-stakes IP dispute, you need credible expertise at your fingertips. Speed is just one of our technology expert witness team’s specialties.

Over the past three decades, we have built an unparallelled network of technical experts with testifying experience across a myriad of technologies and industries. Whether protecting intellectual property or countering infringement claims, our world-class data systems and global industry connections enable you to quickly identify the right expert candidates for your case.

Patent litigators know IMS as the leading source for expert witnesses vetted for both technical expertise and courtroom credibility in fields including computer science, biotechnology and engineering. Count on us for timely, reliable technology expert witness services.

Let's Get Started

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